Footsteps pounded the ground, racing up
behind me. Jumping high, I whirled around to face my attacker. But
far from the fearsome figure I was expecting, it was two horses,
freshly freed from a night in the barn and feeling frisky in the
morning sun that had spotted me walking by and galloped to the
fence-line to greet me. If horses can laugh, they were clearly
grinning at my sudden fright.
Horses! Seriously? C'mon, man.
It happened twice more the same week.
Not horses again, but dogs, appearing out of nowhere and suddenly
running up behind me to sniff my ankles. One was a friendly sort, who
bounded along happily beside me most of the way home. The other was a
ghost-like animal, gray and wary, who vanished again as quickly as he
had come. But after a full summer of disturbance-free walks, I was
unprepared for canine company of any sort, be it friend or foe.
In years gone by, there were many more
dogs in this rural neighborhood than there are now, watchdogs trained
to discourage unwanted visitors from entering private property with
loud and aggressive barking and the sight of their sharp teeth,
boldly displayed. Unfortunately, they routinely escaped from the
fencing intended to keep them contained, and could be encountered
roaming the road at large. At times I would fill my pockets with
doggie biscuits before setting out in the hope I could bribe my way
into their favor, but I would also pick up a large rock at the top of
my driveway to hurl at any animal that looked to eat me instead of my
treats. And many was the day I simply canceled a walk rather than
take a chance. Believing Shakespeare's words, “Discretion is the
better part of valor. Caution is preferable to rash bravery”, I
opted to simply stay home.
All because I was listening to the
wrong words.
Maybe it's because it's the Halloween
season that I'm so easily spooked. Or it could be that so many recent
attacks on unsuspecting civilians have all of us looking over our
shoulders a bit more, rethinking where we go and what we do. Due to
circumstances beyond our control, our happiness is hindered by the
thought in the back of our minds that something horrible could happen
at any moment.
The devil is dogging our footsteps and
laughing every step of the way. And God wonders why we let that
Despite our best efforts at prevention
and preparation, we cannot stop tragedy from occurring. The Bible
warns us that in this world we will have tribulation. From natural
disasters to man-made chaos to just the struggles of day-to-day
living, we sometimes feel like life is pummeling us from the moment
we get up to the second we lie down to try to get some fitful sleep.
Fear and Dread have become our traveling companions, when God
intended Goodness and Mercy to follow us instead.
Thankfully there is something we can do
about it. We have weapons at our disposal; we just have to choose the
right ones. Instead of filling my pockets and hands with bribes and
missiles, I should instead have filled my mind and my mouth
with the Word of God. One of the most potent weapons I possess is my
voice. When I speak out loud what the Bible says about Who God is,
who I am in Him, and what He promises to those who believe in Him, my
ears hear what my heart has to say. Faith rises to replace the fear
that filled my soul before.
There is only one road that passes in
front of my house; I can't simply choose a less dog-inhabited
neighborhood. Similarly in life we sometimes have no choice but to
walk the path that lies before us; where it leads and the
circumstances that govern it are often beyond our control. But we can
choose how we proceed, whether cringing in cowardice or boldly
stepping out in courage and confidence.
As witnessed this week, dogs still
sneak up behind me. The last time it happened, I turned and stood my
ground, commanding the animal in a loud voice to simply go home. He
turned off the road and slunk away. Similarly, when the devil is
nipping at my heels in life nowadays, impacting my decisions, I
boldly face my tormentor rather than running away, telling him
to take off instead! Then I walk dauntlessly on...down my
road...through my daily difficulties... and into the distant future
that awaits.
Tell worry and fear to take a hike,
then go on and enjoy yours.
“...Do not let
your hearts be troubled, neither let
them be afraid. [Stop allowing yourselves to be
agitated and disturbed; and do not permit
yourselves to be fearful and intimidated and cowardly and
(John 14:27 AMP,
emphasis mine)