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Photo credit: Chloe Garrett |
Perhaps for you the solar eclipse
didn't happen on August 21, 2017.
No, for you it was that day in the
doctor's office that a shadow passed in front of the sun and the
brightness of your life suddenly disappeared. Maybe it was the
morning that you woke only to find that a loved one did not, that
your world plunged into unexpected night. Or it could have been when
your college-bound kid traveled clear across the country, leaving a
path shadowed in darkness across your heart in his or her wake. For
you, it was anything but a joyous event. Whatever the cause, like
people everywhere on that August day, you looked to the Son to try
and figure out what on earth was happening. And you risked being
blinded by His Glory as a result.
Do those words tickle a memory?
Sometimes it's comforting to know that what we're going through has
happened before. Moses was likewise given an assignment that he knew
to be impossible in his own strength alone. When God promised that
His Presence would go with him, Moses asked God to show him His
glory. He wanted to see God's face. Answering that nobody could see
His face and live, God placed Moses in a cleft in a rock and covered
him with His hand while His glory passed by.
Could it be that we are looking at
things from the wrong perspective? God's Word tells us that in this
life we will have tribulation; none of us will make it through
life unscathed. But He tells us ahead of time that He has overcome
the world so that we can have peace, even in the midst of the trial.
His Presence will be with us, just as it was with Moses... and with
the disciples in that storm-tossed sea, the Hebrew men thrown into
the fiery furnace, Daniel in the lion's den...and in so many other
rough times in biblical history. What if we looked in the hard places
in our own lives for the cleft that is surely there, that space of
safety and protection in which God shelters us, shadowing us with His
hand while His Glory passes through our difficult days, working all
the things we don't understand to our good, and giving us glimpses of
His Presence as He passes by?
After the solar eclipse was all over, I
was fascinated by the news coverage of the event in various cities
across The Path of Totality, that swath across the United States in
which the moon completely blocked out the sun for a few moments of
time. Several things stood out to me as important in dealing with an
event of such magnitude.
The first was that you had to be
prepared. In the weeks before the actual eclipse, special glasses
for viewing the event without damaging one's eyes appeared in stores
everywhere. Just an item of interest at first, no one “visualized”
that those stores would soon sell out of the same, and that people
everywhere would be scrambling to locate a pair, paying exorbitant
prices at times and waiting in long lines when word came that a new
shipment had arrived somewhere. Many simply couldn't locate a pair in
time and were left with only television coverage of the event. It
reminded me of the biblical story of the bridesmaids who ran out of
oil for their lamps at the critical time of the bridegroom's arrival
and missed the party as a result.
It wasn't like they hadn't been warned
ahead of time. And so it is with us. While we (mercifully!) never
know exactly when disaster will strike, God has warned us to be
prepared for it, not so we live our lives in fear of its arrival, but
to expel fear and replace it with courage and confidence in
His ability to handle anything that life throws at us through the
security of our relationship with Him. Friendships don't develop
overnight, however; they require time and attention to develop to
their full potential. And so it is with a relationship with God. The
time to foster it is while the sun is still shining brightly above
and “eclipse” is just an entry on a sixth-grade spelling bee word
There was such a sense of community
about the solar event. People everywhere put their lives on hold for
at least a few minutes that day to look up in amazement together. A
troubled nation had finally found something they could agree on and
celebrate together. Total strangers became fellow campers under a
unified sky, sharing glasses with each other and marveling together,
telling their stories of travel and being inspired by the lives of
others on the same road.
Isn't that what God intended the church
to be? A place of community and discovery, shared interest,
compassion and help? Divisions disappear as we focus on something so
much greater than ourselves. Perhaps that's why God urges us to pause
on the Sabbath and remember that we are fellow travelers who need to
look up together for answers in difficult times. “Humbling” was a
word used repeatedly to describe the eclipse experience. Trouble
likewise has a way of reminding us that we are not in control. How
like God to provide a safety net for us, a place where we can be
surrounded and supported by people on a similar pilgrimage.
Finally, what struck me the most was
the joy people found when the eclipse was complete. Day had
suddenly turned to dark, yet people cheered and jumped, cried and
celebrated, taking off their glasses and marveling at the sudden
nighttime that had fallen upon them. I laughed and cried along with
them, just watching the replay on the news.
Could it be a picture of that difficult
verse in the Bible...the one that urges us to “count it all joy”
when we fall into various trials? What if we looked at those
difficulties through a different set of glasses, ones that allowed us
to view this event as a once in a lifetime opportunity to see things
in a different light, discover unexpected joy in even the darkest of
night, giving us a story to tell when the difficulty is past and the
sun is shining brightly over our lives once more?
News broadcasts ended their coverage
with a reminder of when the next solar eclipse to cross our country
would take place, knowing that people everywhere are already looking
forward to the event, marking their calendars and making plans to
head to the best viewing areas (and taking note to buy their viewing
glasses in advance!). And surely that is the attitude God wants to
see in us as we come out of whatever hard circumstances we are
currently in: exhilarated, excited, confident in His ability to see
us through whatever difficulty is just around the bend. When we know
that He is near, the motto we speak over our hearts and lives can be
“No Fear Here.” How pleasant are those words of faith to His
listening ears!
“Consider it a sheer
gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides.
You know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open
and shows its true colors. So don't try to get out of anything
prematurely. Let it do its work so you become mature and
well-developed, not deficient in any way.”
(James 1:2-4 MSG)
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