My friend and I met several years ago
in the bleachers of a basketball court, the sport itself relatively
unimportant; we were simply moms sitting on the sidelines of our
children's lives, supporting our kids in their current field of play.
As such we had much to talk about, and I soon found that I was
attending games for conversational reasons as much as to watch boys
bouncing balls on wooden boards for an hour or so.
We're still at it. Five boys between
us, and none of them living at home anymore, yet we meet regularly to
catch up with each other as much as to discuss what our kids
are doing. This last time our talk turned to the subject of siblings.
Her mother and aunts she affectionately refers to in combination as
“The Sisters”, their antics and attitudes a constant source of
love and entertainment to the rest of the family, but a form of
relationship that she has not experienced herself.
“You've never had a sister,” her
mother lamented to her recently. To be honest, I don't think she's
ever felt the loss, as she keeps busy being a sister to the
brother she was born to and the many friends she was born again
to minister to along the way.
The conversation, however, remained on
my mind. Evidence of the love of my own younger sister fill my life
and my home, from messages I find in my email in-box to postcards
stuck on my fridge, to framed pictures on my windowsills and gifts
stitched by her hand mounted on my walls. From our infancy on we've
shared everything, from clothes to baths to bedrooms to toys. A
built-in best friend, I didn't have to wait for her to come knocking
on my door to see if I wanted to play. We grew up surrounded by the
same relatives, neighbors and family friends. As such we speak a
common language; there are memories we share, jokes we laugh at and
heartbreaks we cry over together that nobody else on the planet can
relate to with me the way she can.
That doesn't mean we were always close.
After drifting apart somewhat in our high-school years we were simply
distant daughters of the same father and mother for a number of years
that followed. As the years passed away, however, we came together
emotionally if not in physical distance, as the life experiences we
shared with one another forged us once more into the best of friends
that we remain today. Yet at any point in our relationship,
regardless of how we were getting along, we were still sisters linked
by blood, if not by choice.
Yet the opposite is true in the
spiritual realm. It's by choice that we are born again into
the kingdom of God and then allow Him to put us into sibling
relationships with people of His
choosing and linked by His Blood, friendships that perhaps
lack the limited view of a shared past yet stretch beyond the
boundaries of this earthly existence into the joyful expectation of
an eternal future.
They are not without purpose, however,
on this side of eternity, as to a large extent they are instrumental
in getting us to the finish line with soul intact. There are simply
some risks you are only willing to take with your sister by your
side. In the earthly realm I laughingly submit coloring one's hair
and taking a first bite of sushi as members of that group.
Spiritually speaking, however, a walk of faith is easier when there's
a hand around to pull you back up when you've fallen down, a smiling
face in a world of frowns, a fellow traveler who speaks the same
language of grace.
My friend and I finally finished our
lunches, paid our bills and went on with days that went better
because we had spent that time together in love and laughter. While
our mealtime meetings always eventually come to an end, it's
wonderful that the friendship between us does not.
Perhaps the “friend that sticks
closer than a brother” mentioned in Proverbs is Jesus in the heart
of a godly sister.
“Two are better than
one, because they have a good return for their work: If one falls
down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has
no one to help him up!
(Ecclesiastes 4:9-10